Monday 22 March 2010

Goodbye and Hello Europe

Day 66

So its been awhile eh? Life has been craaaaazzzzy here. I have recorded most days on my voice recorder so all is not fogotten. Just thought it should be known that I am alive and all is well. Life is great and just keeps getting better...minus the increasing amount of hw. But now for today....

Woke up @ 0545. It was brutal!! The bed was so comfy and it was soooo early. But such early rising was necessary to be able to catch our airport shuttle bus which left at 0645. We told the "happy" old blind man who ran the place that we would be leaving early in the morning. He said if he wastn up we could just call him. Well calling didnt work as we couldnt get the room phone to work and we didnt know the German area code either. We were just going to leave the key on the bed with a note praying that in his blindness, he would stumble upon it. Just as we were leaving, we came out so all was saved! This did however make us late so we speed-walked to the bus station. The bus was about an hour long ride and we ended up at a small airport in the middle of nowhere, Lubeck airport. Nice one Ryanair. It was ghetto. Super small. We got out of their without a hitch though and landed in Stansted a few minutes early. The whole flight though was like a sales pitch selliing everything from lottery tickets to smokeless cigarettes. The bus and everything went fine. We did eat in the airport, me having a meal deal thing from the little store in there and toppping it off with a great milkshake from BK. The bus driver was crazy and drove super fast. WE got back to Oxford at 1507. My watch decided to suddenly stop working today too. The display went away but the night light is constantly on. Walmart watch is all I have to say. Cole lent me one of his watches. It is ginormous but it tells time so its fine. Once back, I basically talked to people until Natalie, Claire and I went to Posh Fish. i go the large stupidly adn didnt even come close to finishing it. It was then time for 9@9. Ryker led. He seemed nervous but what he said was awesome. It was about the last supper but he also tied in how we are a community and we have so much potential if we love another like God loves us. Very good. I then went with Kris to get a milkshake at Rainbows. it was DELICIOUS! she got a galaxy chocolate one and I got an oreo one. Oh, Hannah and I also had a little....i dont know what to call it. She tried to put lip gloss on me but it definitely ended up all over her face. ha. A pen also exploded on her hands. i did feel fairly bad. it was hilarious though. She was very interested in Amsterdam as mosst people were so i told them about it all. funny stuff.

Well, as travis would say...its about that time. I still hve hw seeing as i came back to a huge amount that I forgot about, which completely trashes the plan I had made for these next few days to get some of my projects done. Oh well. Thats how the cookie crumbles. Oh...the trip, Shock and Awe Europe, was a complete SUCCESS!!! Europe, I hope we stay in touch cause I really like you. ha So...

Im out like Commies in Berlin.
Laters Chums

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