Wednesday 3 March 2010

Is it really ultimate or just above average?

Day 47

Woke up @ 1100 which was way before my alarm. i decided to read for MRKT. I got a little bit into it and got real tired so I flipped back around on my bed and started counting sheep again around 1145. I slept until my actual alarm went off at 1249. Some how 1249 makes me feel better about myself than if I were to set my alarm for 1250 cause that just seems too close to one which is way too late to be sleeping in.

I eventually got up and hit the shower and got ready. It was the most beautiful day I have ever experienced in Europe my whole life!! i walked to OTH and got a roasted chicken pesto rosso on a panini bc they were out of brown baps so I didnt get the cajun chicken as I was planning.  I came back and found Kris and Malia on their "balcony" and they invited me up. It was a sight for me trying to get through the small opening in the window caused by the blocks installed to probably keep us from going out there.  It was really the tightest spot I have ever squeezed through. i had to take out my wallet, take off my hoodie and belt and I still was peeling paint of the window sill.  but it was totally worth it...eating my delicious OTH sandwich, studying for MRKT and getting a tan!!  

It was then off to class which took awhile getting back through the window.  It was a very interesting class as usual.  i didnt do so hot on the quiz bc he pulled some stuff from the class a week ago that I didnt study. AFter class, Rick, hannah, Michelle, Corbo, Durko, Bradyn, Nicholas, Allison, Wyatt and myself played ultimate frisbee in the back yard. we were wearing shorts and t shirts. It was amazing!!! We lost by one stinkin point. I blame it on the fact we took it easy on the girls so we didnt hurt them...being gentlemen ya know?  Nicholas had the quote of the day for sure. I thought it was quite the stroke of genius. When he threw off, instead of yelling "ULTIMATE!", he simply said "Above Average!". IT cracked me up. We threw around the football a little bit and then I headed in and made dinner which consisted of me trying to thaw the chicken casserole that Nicholas made a while back.  I forgot to set it out to thaw so i embarked on a journey which involved me cutting the "brick" into pieces with a serrated bread knife and then heating those up until I could mash them apart. it turned out to be more like slop when I was done with it but it still tasted good. :) 

I then started on bible hw after buying my eurail pass.  It says it should be here march 8th.  Its cutting it close but it should be good.  I talked with Jgroves a bit and did a little facebookin'.  Later I went to plan Italy with sydney, grant, ben, malia, katie, becca and kris but malia and kris ended up leaving the group because we had too many people which we did.  I left when they said we had to decide on the groups cause I dont like confrontation. ha  We pretty much got down everything and tom we are booking our flights.  the tenative schedule is genoa, camogli, cinque terre, lucca, florence and rome.  Our stay in each place ranges from over two days to less than half a day.  Im stoked!! There was some problems with the other groups about who was going with who. It is a sticky situation bc basically everyone is wanting to do what they want and there is a problem bc some are not getting what they want. There are two solutions to tis problem for every person on this can give something up to help make others happy or not.  The problem with the problem is that since everyone has a way to fix the problem (yes some have easier ways than others), no one is fixing it bc someone else can do it just the same.  Followin what im saying? It seems like we just need to temporize(Word of the day) before we make any decisions that might hurt some feelings. Its quite the Anthropological study.

Anywhoozers, God will make whatever work. im confident of that. He basically slapped me straight when i was so bummed about my rooming assignment. It has turned out amazing!! if you put your trust in Him, you cant go wrong. it may not turn out exactly like you planned it, but something good will come out of it.

Well its bed time cause tom is Wed and that means market and a new table cloth for the kitchen table!!! Wed has also come to mean feeding the ducks too! so Stoked!!

So Im out like a burnt out lightbulb.
Laters Chums

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