Tuesday 2 March 2010

John Cooper's Day

Day 46

So its been a a week since my last blog. Shame shame. I have been recording and I did record whil ein Switzerland which just for the record...WAS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE I HAVE EVER SEEN!! Paragliding was mindblowing(of which I have discreetly interjected pictures). Hiking was revitalizing. It was fantastic. Yesterday was teh second time I did not blog or record but nothing big happened except for dinner with the Lytles and Alice, Becky, James, Caleb, Tim and Austin.  It was great hanging out with those Brits. ha I did miss church but 9@9 was great. it was about humility and that being humble does not mean to think that you are lesser than some one but just to recognize your purpose and use of your gifts. Well now onto today...

Woke up @ 0650. i was way tired seeing as I went to bed at 0230.  The reason we were all up this early was because we were leaving for the Mini Cooper factory tour at 0730.  We rode the city bus there.  The tour was unreal!! I could easily spend way too much time writing about it but I will try to refrain from doing that.  The craziest thing was that every cooper in the world was assembled in that factory and ever car that was being built was already sold so it was custom ordered.  That requires everything to be JIS (just in sequence). So like the cockpits came in built for a specific car going to a specific owner. The logistics of it al blew my mind. they also had JIT (just in time) which allows them to keep minimum inventory.  For example the cockpits were not allowed on site more than two hours prior to when it was needed. And almost every car leaves the factory within 24 hours of it first starting to be built. Absolutely insane! We got to wear cool black lab coats, had little walkie talkie things and safety goggles...we looked official! After the tour, we sang The Lord Bless You and Keep You to the two guys that lead us around. they thought we were a choir. I still dont know about all the amen's at the end of that song. I get lost every time.

After the tour, i went ot OTH and get the Sexy Brazilian on a brown bap for the first time. It was darn good.  After that, i wanted to take a nap but Nicholas and I planned our long trip. We are not goign to be able to get to Austria or Auschwitz but I am so excited for our trip!!! We even figured out what Eurail pass we need and are ordering that tom. The beginning of our trip is a little crazy and hectic but then it slows down ending with over two full days in Berlin and a day in Hamburg. Very Nice!

I then to the grocery store with Kris and Malia. We were late for MGMT by like 10 mins. Oh just to have it documentized....Kel and Cailee missed the tour this morning. It was just a misunderstanding though. they werew actually up and just misheard something. But class started at 3 today and then at 4 MAry from OxFam came to talk. I felt really bad cause it was so hard to stay awake. Me being up this late certainly doesnt help. ha But after class, I went back to work on the trip and get it done. I then started on hw...more or less. I decided on going with Sydney, Grant, Ben, Malia and Kris for Italy so im super stoked! The highlight of the day though was definitely skyping Jro just a little while ago!! GOsh i miss that guy. I saw spence too!! I was also looking at some flights to Italy trying to find the cheapest and then seeing about a weekend trip to malta. That is probably a no go. SUPER expensive.

Well anywhoozers...its been another great day in which I didnt get any work done on my MRKT journal. Im sure some would say I could be doing it now but i just put documenting my trip over it in priorities. Call me weird but thats how I am. Memories first. lol I never recorded about dad getting moved to a new position. it sounds like a pretty cool thing. He is working under todd again who I think he really likes. He is over every desktop and virtual pc in USAA. pretty stinkin cool!

Well im out like Chaburn with his concussion.
Laters Chums

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