Thursday 4 March 2010

Pants for Cheap

Day 48

Woke up @ 940 and got ready to go to the market.  I ate a bowl of cereal and got to the other house at 1015. Grant and I waited for the girls until 1032 when they finally came down. Then Grant, Sydney, Kel, Allison and myself headed off to the park to feed the ducks. We met a super cool little dog and talked with his owner for a little bit.  We then headed off to the market. I bought some bananas and grapes and got my watch fixed.  Afterwards Grant and I went to OTH. I got a wrap with cranberry sauce, brie and chicken. Delicious!! I felt a eructation(word of the day) was very needed but I with held it.  I hung out for a few minutes until class started. We went to Christ church Meadows and the Oxford Museum. i realized that the final for OxTA is going to be ridonkulously hard and I need to start reading the book. bleh. the museum was fairly interesting with lots of Oxford artifacts and history on the city.

After class, Cole, hannah and I went to Uncle Sam's vintage Clothing shop to find me some dress pants.  AFter searching for awhile, I ended up finding some Calvin Klein pants that still had the tag for $115 and were only 18 GBP. They werent hemmed so claire hooked me up and did a great job on them!  We went to this amazing restaurant called Frevd which is in this really old church awesomely redone. The pizza was super good and the waiter brought ice cream out for sydney and jacque since it was there bdays.

After and before dinner, I was talking ot peeps about the confusion of the groups to italy bc some peeps were pretty sad and a lot of the emotion was rightfully felt.  I really enjoyed talking to them though trying to lift their spirits. I think it all worked out in the end.  After dinner, we had awesome cupcakes with sprinkles, ice cream and "squitry cream" as they call whipped cream over here.  It was all fantastic.

I then watched the bachelor with Kel, Hannah, Michelle and Kris but Kris left early. Jake is dumb and I dont like him. i think that him and his choice girl will get along well though and im glad the girl whose name starts with a "T" didnt get picked cause she deserves better.  AFter the bachelor, I talked for a bit and then started hw but was quickly distracted by a great convo with Nicholas that lasted close to 3 hours. It was very insightful and I really really enjoyed talking with him. I mean this in the nicest way possible...when we talk it is almost like we are from different planets cause he just sees things so differently as me a lot and I love it!

Well its time for doing actual hw. This blog was really quick. Im proud of myself.

Im out like a slow aging wine.
Laters chums

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