Wednesday 27 January 2010

The Day of Manny

Day 13
I got up 0845 today and simply got ready for class, grabbed some cereal and then, naturally, headed to INTS. This class is nothing to write home about but I realized that I need to cherish the few classes I have left with Jacque. She will be here for just one more class and then sadly she is off the good ole US of A to get her marriage visa which they thought was obtainable without having to leave such luck. They have it all set up though so we will still have her as our teach. I think she will be using podcasts and skype for a lot of stuff. hopefully it all works out and she is back in a few weeks instead of the worst case scenario being her ahving to stay over there until summer.

After class, I high-tailed it back to do my Marketing hw which I got done. Ra van ee and Luz helped me get the material down for the quiz. They were awesome! Class with Dr Lytle was awesome as I see ever class with him being. He talked us through the behemoth Marketing Journal so now it doesn't seem so mammoth after all. I just can not procrastinate............

When class was done, for the first time in a while I did not have hw that I immediately had to attend to so I chilled. Corbin, Bradyn and I went to Posh fish to eat dinner. The fish was amazing!!!!!!!!! Ontop of that we had the odd pleasure of meeting Mannie. We think he is the owner of Posh Fish but are not really sure. We think he may have killed a man before. Here is DL on Manny: he grew up in Turkey. Worked for PanAm Arilines for years as ground crew. Got into poker. Now plays professionally. Has a house in vegas where he plays A LOT. He had just gotten back from a 3 week trip and before that a 5 month trip and before that a 2 month trip. He showed us pics of him with famous World Poker Tour peeps and emails he has gotten in the past. Naturally we were curious as to why he was working at a little restaurant so we asked. He said it was a nice cover. Yes, he said cover. Sound sketch to anyone besides me? We asked if there was a place around that he would recommend for poker and stuff. He said the Vistoria Casino in London and he gave us directions. He said he would be there friday and Saturday and if we swing by and find him that he would take care of us and show us around in his big car. that might be a limo but we are not sure. We are about as sure that he has a limo as we are about him having killed a man or him being in some shady stuff, whatever that may be. Non the less it made for some AWESOME convo while we waited for our food and I cant wait to go back. Come to think of it...I suppose it is possible that all of it was just a ploy to hook us Americans into coming back and eating there again. What ever the reasoning worked.

We watched a movie in 9 commons and it was nice to finally not have hw and to not be anti-social. We did Ben90Lang (aka P90X) after the movie. It was super exhausting. Everyone is trying to figure out their plans for London. No one was going to stay the night but now suddenly everyone is. I am going to say it was Corbin that started the swing but thats just me shooting the breeze. Because so many peeps are going now, no one knows who is staying with who and where they are staying. We are all doing basically the same thing but jsut not all together so it's interesting. I am staying out of any planning cause Scotland wore my planning skills out. I just know that as of now, no matter what, Kris, Malia and I are doing the bus tour thing to the big spots on Sat and seeing Wicked on Fri night. We shall see how everything else works out. It is almost like people are recruiting others to be in their group. It is actually quite comical, purely innocent yet funny.

I thought this was going to be a quicky but as I begin to go through my day, I just remember everything tha happens. Oh well. Glad this isn't a pay by the word deal I suppose.

Oh! I was informed I am the special guest for dinner on the 9 2nd floor(remember, 1st is technically the 2nd floor and  2nd is technically the 3rd floor) for tom night. Im stoked cause they have the most AMAZING lavish meals out of any floor. I am feeling pretty cool right now to say the least. It's kinda like winning the student of the week award in elementary school. I hope I get a certificate or something. Certificate or not, I will have a very full and happy belly to say the least.

Well it is now 0130 but luckily I only have Ox through the Ages and we are going to St. Michael's Tower. I think it is the oldest structure in Oxford. I know it is on Cornmarket which is basically city centre so its not too far and from the outside it doesn't look to be anything super impressive but we shall find out. the bottom line is that I really have no idea what the tower is or if it stands for anything but its a field trip and it's free so I'm excited and I will be there.

I will do my Scotland blog someday...Build it and they will come. That Doesn't really apply right now but it popped into my head so there ya go. Maybe i'll dream of a field of dreams. I'm off to find out.

Stay Strong.
Laters Chums

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