Sunday 17 January 2010

I'm here and it is for real

So... I figure this is a waaaaay easier way to be able to remember everything I do than actually writing in my travel journal I have. Who still actually writes anyways? pff. Pen and paper are so caveman. Anywhoozers, today is my fourth day in a foreign land. I know people usually start these things when they get here but it's better late than never. I am a procrastinator...What's new? So quick catch up... Flight was super long for three main reasons. First, I am a rather long-limbed person who needs space. Planes don't have space, especially when the man in-front of me somehow found the secret button that every person I sit behind seems to find. The famous button that makes the seat lean back extra far and turn into a bed which I guess they think has some of built-in fan system that blows warm air on their head. Newsflash for those lucky people...that is my breath and in this particular case, it was my very smelly breath that was coming from a mouth that had not seen a toothbrush for quite sometime (Disclaimer: this is because of the simple fact that we were on a plane for 9 hour). So second reason...I didn't sleep more than thirty minutes the whole flight. This was mostly a direct cause of the first reason. The third awesome entertainment screen on which I was supposed to be able to watch and listen to hundreds of movies, tv shows and CD's DID NOT WORK! The flight attendant tried to reset it and it went through all the steps she said it would but the result was no different. Several people did offer to switch me seats and their ipods to watch videos on but to be honest i was too tired to really watch anything. Yes that completely contradicts my second reason I listed and your confusion is equal to mine as why I could not fall in my lap or not. Although this sounds like a disaster of a flight, I love flying and the view of the sunrise and talking to different people who were in between naps made it not too bad. And looking back, it actually didn't really seem that long at all. Can't wait for the return flight.

Getting through customs was good. We had a hiccup that kept us from going right through and while we were waiting, Kristi took a pic of the group and a rather flustered customs guy did not like that and called her out and made her delete it. Besides that, no prob getting into the country.

The bus ride was CRAZY! Our first time on what us "colonial people" call the wrong side of the road. And there was snow and fog everywhere. So pretty!! We passed the house with a shark in the roof symbolizing something about the Cold War. The houses we live in are stinkin old! At first, I didnt know if I was going to be able to deal with the old smell and just how small everything is but, now I love it! I live in house 10 on the top floor in room 10. Our kitchen is basically a closet but I just cook down a floor as does pretty everyone in the house. In the basement live the Lytle's and on the main floor lives the Morrison's. We have the computer room in our house so when I have to print something that will definitely come in handy. I really love my house and the peeps in it. Its not really the hang out house like 9 so its much more chill. And if I dont want chill, I can just go to the other house. And I didn't get to room with Ben and Bradyn like we requested but Nick has been a great roommate. Nothing like Jro and Jgroves but good enough. It's great. God knows what he is doing.

So after we got here, we went on a guided walk to get a feel for the place. I was blown away and continue to be everytime i walk around the town. Like tonight, I have literally walked to Ali's kebab van with 3 different groups just cause i love walking in the town and...Ali is the man! but back to Thursday... that was about it.

Friday we all slept in awhile so since it gets dark at 1630 here we didnt have much daylight. Basically got groceries, walked around a lot more and just got a feel for the place and the rest of the group. We ate at Pepper's Burgers. Up there with best burgers I've ever had. I got thai sweet chili and BBQ sauce on it. MMMMH. I skyped with the fam for the first time. It was good!

Saturday.... It was CRAZY! I got up at 845 and made a fried egg sandwich which was fairly bland seeing as how I bought unsalted organic butter..yuck! After breakfast, Grant, Kelly, Kristi, Cailee, Sydney, Chelsea, Jackie(spell check), Becca, and some other girls went to University Park. A lot of snow had melted but there were still a few huge balls that people had made that we made snowballs from and had a pretty legit snowball fight. Grant and I won cause girls drool and boys rule. Yes you could say that we should have let them won but that's the beauty of democracy and the Freedom of Speech and the Miranda don't have to say anything you don't want to. ha But then we came back, ate lunch and went to Summertown, just north of Oxford on Woodstock. Nice little shopping area. After that we ate dinner at Ali's Kebab...RIDONKULOUSLY AWESOME!!! Then we got a big group and went to what was supposed to be this pretty crazy sounding garage band concert thing. Walked FOREVER to get there. Went past Christ Church and other places and at night and in the fog everything looked amazing! The "concert" turned out to be a bust seeing as I think we were way early. It was just like and awkward single and ready to mingle atmosphere. We all bailed and took the bus back to city centre to go to another place we saw a flyer for. Couldnt find it so I asked some cops. Coolest cops ever...straight up Dumb and Dumber. Hilarious. Just to name one thing...they were trying to give me directions and they were both arguing about it. Turns out the map was upside down. Anywhoozers...we found the place called The Cellar. We got there before 2230 so we got in for free. They had some good music going and we just sat around and talked. Then...the white British rappers came on stage. holy eminem gone geeky. They were so chill and funny. Awesome skills from what experience I have to offer the rapping community. After they finished, it was a straight up dance party on stage. Our group just stuck together and had a blast! It was definitely an experience! Especially since the roof was only a few inches above my head and when you are already an awkward dancer....that does not help to say the least. I eventually left with a small group and went home.

Today...finally. I went with a large group to St. Aldates church. Its where Cole and Jacque)spell check) go. It was a super old church on the outside but on the inside...AMAZING! completely modern with flat screens all over and a full band. The service was over 2 hours long but the worship was great and the lesson was awesome...for what I was awake for. it was an interim pastor cause the main one is on a pastor trip thing that they take. I don't remember what it is called. But he was SUPER long-winded. Like I said the sermon was powerful over the weeds and wheat parable but it could have been a 15 min sermon versus almost an hour!! After church we went to On The Hoof. Got the Sexy Brazilian Panini. Odd but really good. Hung out trying to plan our Scotland trip this weekend. Went on a walk with Malia, Kristi and Grant around the "loop". Took some pics til it got dark. Went into some Oxford apparel shops and to the Museum of something for free and saw a crazy SteamPunk display. Got back and kinda helped cook some soup. Ate the soup. Good. Went to Ali's Kebab twice after dinner. Didn't buy anything. Just went for company and to see Ali. Started blogging when I got back. Forgot about 9@9 and was late. It was really good. It was about Abraham going off to find his land in Genesis. It made us think about not only what do we want(or can) to get out of this trip but how we can bless others. Went back to Ali's for a third time with Bradyn, Claire, Wyatt and Grant I believe. Always fun going to Ali's. :) I skyped for a bit and then back to blogging.

It is now 031. I love this whole military time deal. And every stereotypical saying about the English...It is SO true! On a cereal box it said "Scrumptious new flavor". No one is overweight here cause portions are way smaller and they walk everywhere!!! I think I'm closing in on almost 15 miles in just four days. Lose the chicken wings baby!

Laters Chums

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