Monday 18 January 2010

Too Much Goodness To Handle

Well it is officially day 5 and classes started today.  For me and several other people though we got to somewhat celebrate the revered holiday known as Martin Luther King Jr. Day by not having class due to the absence of our teacher. He has a good excuse seeing as how he is interviewing for the President position of ACU. You ever wonder why we get MLK day off at ACU and not Labor Day?  Do we even get Presidents' Day off? geez. So today I got up at 900 and made a delightful fried egg sandwich.  Durko, Grant, Chase and I eventually went for a great LONG walk around city centre but we stayed off the main area and took some backstreets...way cool. We found this place that I think is the original campus of Oxford University.  Super Cool! Saw this exhibit called Crossing Borders on display for free at that place.  It had a whole bunch of Hebrew manuscripts and meant to show how even though it was all Hebrew, the dialects are all different because of where the manuscripts came from. I didn't really pick up on anything more than that cause I was mesmerized by how old the stinking books were. We also found the Red Lion for anyone that knows what that is. If you don''s supposed to be super cheap, amazing food that is not take-out for once. ha

After we got back to the house, I worked with Kristi on planning our Scotland trip.  Talked to Cole a lot about it trying to get the inside info.  Found out we should go to the train station and talk to an actual person to try and book the train.  We eventually did that after waiting for the rest of the group to get back from shopping. Found out what we needed.  Some people started to not want to go to Scotland after that which is actually good cause we had way to big of group although I also do support the ancient saying, "the more the merrier" so its a coin toss. When we got back I worked on figuring out more about where and when I want to go places.  Europe is just way too interesting with way too many places to go and way too many things to do. Since if mom does come over here, she will want to go to Scotland, I was trying to find other places to go or different places to go in Scotland. I literally found a map of Scotland and picked three random small cities off the map. I looked them up...they are all unbelievable and want to visit them! Is it bad to complain that you are in a place that is too cool? I am flat-out overwhelmed by all the choices and with me being in the running for the Most Undecisive Person award for the last 8 years running...this is not good. Anywhere I go would be good but....I want to go to the best place and make the most of my time over here. I need some clarity on this or I fear I will doubt myself on every trip I go. It would be awesome if you could pray for that clarity and that I just enjoy whatever I do and not be so flippin undecisive. Id appreciate it. So anywhoozers...I think I we are going to go to Scotland this weekend...Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sterling and maybe St. Andrew's. Although now more people want to go and the hostel we want to stay at is filling up and I dont want to leave anyone out. hmmm.

So I literally just walked back into my room with a confirmation letter of our reservation at castle rock hostel in Edinburgh, Scotland. I'm stoked to say the least. God is good. The price was somehow the lowest I had seen and there are only four of us going. The others are going to Bathe which will be totally cool too.

So basically that has been my day. Spent $0, ZERO, the big goose egg today. I might be a little overly proud of myself for that. I do have to give a shout out to Claire and Stephanie for sharing their awesome tacos with me and to Sydney and the girls of house 9 for sharing their red pasta noodles with bread. DELICIOUS! Im pretty sure Im just going to sell my services as clean up crew in return for food. Maybe that will work. haha Well, first class tomorrow...Great Britian Studies or something like that at 930.

God is everywhere. He's in the air. He's in my chair. Although I'm in Oxford, He is here. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow...unchanged. In America or here, God is everywhere.

I'm a poet and I knowed it. I'm just not very good and I think I just showed it.

Til next time...

Laters Chums

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