Thursday 21 January 2010

Lost in Translation

Day 7... The day started off in a way only Mother's Day, Father's Day and fairy tales do...with breakfast in bed. Only I can tell you right now it is NOT Mother's Day because I am not a mother. It is NOT Father's Day because my kids who do not yet exist were not the deliverers of the food. And it is definitely NOT a fairy tale because in a fairy tale, my current roommate would not be the one who brought me my food. The cheese omelet, jam, toast and OJ he brought was delicious though and eating it at my desk, looking out over the courtyard, watching the peaceful snow fall was a delightful way to start a day that was soon to be darkened by a not so successful marathon of homework. (picture of breakfast coming soon)

Being woken at 0914 with a hearty meal seems like it would give me the energy needed to a day's worth of hw. Big misconception. I did do hw all day minus my Oxford through the Ages class which will most likely be my favorite class. Basically we will take tours through places all around Oxford and then write reflections on them. There are a few other assignments like doing self tours and possibly making a video tour if we want an "A". In the class today, we went to the open market which is every Wednesday. They had super cheap, delicious fruit but that was about the only deals. Kristi nailed some lady in the head with her umbrella. Got cussed out as PPP would say.

Anywhoozers...Got back did hw. Ate at Pepper's Burgers. Came back and did more hw. Well when I saw did means I was attempting to do it. It does not imply that an equal amount of hw was done compared to the amount spent on it.

Well it is really late seeing as how we are meeting in house 9's 2nd floor kitchen(which is actually the third floor. they count wrong over here) for breakfast. Then its off to the station to begin the most...(insert lots of really cool adjectives here)...trip to Scotland EVER!!!

You might notice this blog is rather short compared to my other is not because I hurried through to get back to hw or because I have been doing hw while writing this. I may or may not have been drastically distracted due to my social attributes, creating a much larger lacuna(word of the day) in my hw doing than I envisioned.

I don't know if I will be able to keep up with my blog while I'm in the land of brave hearts, but I will keep a journal and deluge the few souls that read this with our (insert more awesome adjectives here) stories and experiences. If you would send up a few extra prayers for Kelly, Kristi, Grant and I for our safety, a smooth trip and lots of memories we would definitely appreciate. Thanks

 Psalms 24(more on this later) it...reflect on it.

Laters Chums

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