Monday 25 January 2010

Home Sweet Oxford

Day 12
Today is my first day back "home". I just want to say how blessed I feel to be able to come back from an AMAZING trip to Scotland and come home to Oxford!!! It is almost surreal. Surreal.....that kinda reminds me of that time I had breakfast brought to me in bed by my roommate.... surreal....

Today started off at 1130 seeing as how I went to bed at 0245 last night. I wish I could say the reason for staying up that late was entirely due to hw but I cannot. I was severely distracted from my priorities seeing as how I had been away from my pc for several days. But I got up and did my MGMT assignment and then went to On the Hoof. I got the Chicken Pesto Rosso Panini...delicious as all sandwiches from there are. Walking there with Durko though we wondered why On the Hoof was so fortunate to get our business instead of the perfectly fine looking sandwich shop directly across the street from OTH. I mean...I think it is even a good five fewer steps to the other shop than to OTH. Durko and I never arrived at an answer. I have been in the other shop with Cailee to get a brownie and it didn't smell, look bad or even have weird people working. I think you could almost compare this mystery to that of the Bermuda Triangle...we may simply never get a real answer besides aliens.....that's it....aliens own the other shop.

Anywhoozers...after OTH I went to MGMT with Rick Lytle who could very well be the next plenipotentiary (word of the day) of the prominent, up-and-coming, leading the pack technologically according to some magazine, top university with more than 4000 but less than 4999 students in the north mid-west of Texas, and one of the best 5000 universities in the nation....Abilene Christian University. The class started off with, in my opinion, a brutal quiz but just got better as it went along. We watched a 13 min long version of It's A Wonderful Life and related George Bailey to the five leadership practices. The class will be hard but I think I will really enjoy it. We were assigned a project to go interview 10 people about what makes or breaks a person successfully. Im with Corbin, Kris and Chase. It will be a lot of fun.

After class, I went and tried to do hw but started a spreadsheet of my finances while I am over here. I decided to do it in GBP's so it doesn't look as bad as when I look at my credit card transactions. I have really been cutting back on my food spending so when I subtract the money I have gotten for food from my total expenses, it looks even less bad. haha I think overall, I have done really good on money so far. The train ticket to Scotland is what makes it look bad.

At five, Kelkel, Kris, Grant and I went downstairs to the Lytle's for dinner so they could here about Scotland. Writing it that way, I guess only Kris, Grant and I went down there...hmm. Spaghetti, bread, salad with dressing, grapes and ice was dang good!! It was a lot of fun. Atleast Kris, Melia (spell check) and I were supposed to go Ballroom dancing tonight but we found out it wasn't free tonight for some reason so we bailed on that plan and I came up here to do hw. Haven't done any yet so I guess I better hit that up.

Scotland was one of the best trips I have ever been on and was for the most part....perfect. no accidents, broken things, missed trains. We were incredibly blessed! Thank you for your prayers! I'll get all the details typed up some time. Between Kris' and Grant's iphones I recorded EVERYTHING down so it will just take me some time to get those uploaded to my pc and to listen to it all. I think we recorded close to 2 hours worth of mostly me rambling about what we did right after we did it. So stay tuned for that...

Oh. 9@9 last night was really good. Again, I really thought about what I can do over here to not only help people but probably more importantly, what I can learn from people here. It really it me that I am the one that needs to get out of my comfort zone and make the connection with people. They are not going to come to me...for the most part.

I recently read Psalm 24 on Wednesday. After reading what Spencer posted and thinking about what it meant, this chapter could not really be perfect. It simply says how good and powerful God is. It then goes on to state on who God's favor will fall...who will receive the Lord's blessings. David answers the question with "He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false." He then describes the people as "those who seek Him, who seek your face O God of Jacob." It is hard to explain in such few words what David explains perfectly with even fewer words. Basically, those who get their character and priorities straight are the ones who will "receive blessing fromt he Lord and vidication from God His Savior." Read it...reflect on it.

Back to hw.
Laters Chums

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