Friday 29 January 2010

Where's Maytag Man?

Day 15

So as I said in the post before this, the internet has been quite flakey. Again, this post is pretty much a quick summary of my day. It is hard to summarize this without telling everything because laundry today experience/fiasco but I did my best. As with the last post. I may or may not go back and elaborate on these when I have more time. i love blogging. i love writing down the events that happen in my life. I really wish I could be Will ferrell in Stranger than Fiction and have my life recorded and narated minus the part where he almost dies...or incase you havent seen the movie...maybe he does die....hmmm. Does he live? Does he die? is my day at about notch 3 on the quickie meter...

Internet was working all day and literally just stopped working so I will wait to post this one and the one from yesterday until I am able.

Woke up @ 1000. Began to slowly get ready thinking class was at 1050. Nick came in at 1020 and informed me that class was indeed at 1030. I had a lot still to do to say the least. I managed to get to class on time seeing as it was just downstairs but in order to be on time I ate my rather large bowl of cereal in less than 2.5 minutes. I was fairly proud of myself.

Class was very entertaining as usual. I am going to learn a lot from Dr. Lytle but it will be challenging.

After class, I was supposed to go to the train station to get tickets to come back from London but I ran to do laundry real quick with Cailee. Well it turned out to take a little longer than “real quick”. After I put everything in, I realized I have forgotten my jeans so I came and got those. Once I got back to the laundry room, I realized I had forgotten money. I did not end up making it to the train station. I was worried the whole time my laundry was going that all my soap from the little soap packets you put in the wash went straight down the drain. The symbols are different. Read a little. Moved stuff to dryer.

Met Rona in the laundry room with Cailee. Talked and learned a lot about stuff around the school. Got her number but don’t think I will be calling her. I could talk awhile about the convo with Rona but for time's sake, lets just say it was informative yet interesting. The dryer I had put my jeans and sweaters in ended up being broken so after sitting 40 mins, I had soaking wet jeans. Put them in other dryer with the stuff. Cailee’s stuff ended up getting done and I wasn’t going to stay with Rona by myself so I just threw everything in my bag and left. It really wasn’t Rona. She was quite nice. I had just been in the laundry room for well over 2 hrs and I needed to get out. I laid out my laundry all over my room and it is currently still drying. Hopefully it will be dry before we leave at 0830 tom for London. Super excited for that.

Had dinner with Nick. Had a bunch of chicken divine to finish off so it wouldn’t spoil over the trip. It was amazing!!! He also had fresh mango. I had never had it before and I liked it but I like it in a smoothie a lot more than just straight. I bought 72p bread for the meal and did dishes. It was a pretty sweet deal.

Found the other tokens and got the last token I needed from the newspaper for the "Eatout for 5 pounds" deal. I have no idea where I can use them at since the internet it down but I cant wait. It’s been a while in the making!

I actually found out that two restaurants right by where we live takes the tokens. Let's just say I think this was definitely worth me digging through the recycling a bit today to find the other clips seeing as how they stopped printing the coupons on the 24th so there were no more in the current papers like I thought.

Well today was another great day. Had some quality time with Kelkel and Cailee tonight. Missed out on Ben90Lang tonight due to mixed comm lines. Well London tom early tom morning. STOKED! staying at a hostel with some character to say the least. More on that when i return. As in scotland, i will record play by play what happens and hopefully get them up on my blog soon. Ill be back late sat night so be looking Sunday for the stories.

Stay STrong
Laters Chums

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