Wednesday 3 February 2010

The Uncelebrated Day of the Groundhog

Day 20
Woke up @ 0846. Had a nice big bowl of frosted flakes with banana. Downed it and had the bowl clean in five minutes. I thought it was pretty impressive. Took off to the last INTS that Jacque will be here for for a while. It was awesome for the first part because we watched an episode of a tv show. The episode was called Waldorf Salad. It was quite hilarious. It made fun of a British hotel owner dealing with the guests, one being an american who wanted a waldorf salad. The Brit had no idea how to make it. Very funny. Well the middle of class was pretty boring but the end got a little interesting as we covered the other countries that make up the UK. WE just brushed the top of each of their histories. Very interesting.
After class, I was headed to the store with Kel and Nat but they thought I had already left so they took off. I ended up finding them at the store so it was all good. Finally found some chapstick here!!!!! Also...I had my world rocked by eating my first Ben's Cookie. It was hands down, the best white chocolate chip cookie I have EVER EATEN!!!!!!! It was truly mind blowing with gooey chocolate oozing in the middle. Wow.
Got back and studied with Rah va nee and Kris for MRKT. ch 3 was pretty easy as it was an overview for what was to come in the book. I decided I am doing RyanAir for my big MRKT project so now the stuff we are about to cover in class will really come in handy. MRKT was another great class by Dr Lytle. The quiz was super easy.
After class, Malia and I went running. We ran to the park, around it and back. It felt amazing both to get out and run and the temp was just cold enough where you didnt sweat a lot but you didnt lose feeling in your body. lol Figured it was about 1.6 miles. Took about 15 minutes.

Showered after that and went to take Hannah's pedometer back to her. Walked in on the Lytle's having dinner and they invited me to I did. It was chicken pesto pasta with corn. I also had kiwi for the first time. It was darn good. I told them a lot about myself like high points in my life, like from the journey chart we had to do for Rick. I also got into all about how I got to ACU and how I thinking about transferring. It got fairly deep. They invited me to go with them to Italy. I might take them up on it. The Lytle's are stinkin awesome! just throwing that out there in case one of them reads it and they let Dr Lytle know and he maybe gives me some extra credit. haha OVerall dinner was great tonight!

I then talked with Cailee and Kel and Sydney for a long time about club and other stuff along the lines of friends back in a-town. Then I talked to just Cailee for a while about what we wanted to do with our lives. The convos I had today were top notch. Ben, Syd, Kel, Cailee and I checked out 9 2nd's attic. Found absolutely nothing interesting. We did however discover that Ben Lang is incredible at catching things in his mouth when dropped from very high from 2nd to 0 down the stairwell. he caught 3 in a row. impressive indeed! I watched Ben, Syd, Corbo, and Ryker do some yoga with me jumping in a little bit. I sat and talked with Kris a bit and I discovered (or was discovered for me) a book that I should read...not that I just lay around looking for extra things to read. But I think if I get caught up in an easy, gripping read that my love for reading might recover a little which in turn will help me read for hw. This plan really is a stroke of genius...if it works.
Well that is about all that occurred today. Tom is going to be super busy. It is basically already planned out. I have yet to have a completely filled schedule since Ive been here. It is kinda a strange restricting way.
Oh at dinner tonight, I told Dr Lytle we had too much reading for hw. He simply said that we have a four hr bus ride. I saw the logic but disagreed. I like to sight see while driving through a foreign land, not have my nose in a book. But once again, the books are informative and the classes are amazing so it just might be worth it....maybe. AND....since today is...or was Groundhog Day, I, along with a few others, watched the national movie of Groundhog Day, Groundhog Day with Bill Murray. Always a crowd fav. My watching this movie also does have a direct effect on me being up this late. just fyi.

Anywhoozers...I only got 4.75 hrs of sleep last night and I need to read a little before my eyes get their rest so....Im out like a bullet from a gun. Keep the prayers coming. I think they are working. :)
Laters Chums

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