Thursday 4 February 2010

Dare I Say It Was A Typical Day?

Day 21
Woke up @ 1000. Three weeks gone. Boom. Never coming back. So I made a delicious breakfast of a fried egg on a baguette with cheese and ground beef. it was superb. I was then off to the open market with Kel to find a beanie. Had an indecisive moment over which beanie and how many to get. Well it ended up while we were there, the beanies at one stand went on sale so I got a crazy neon one from there and a nicer wool one from another all for the price of one back home. Pretty sweet deal. It was fun trying them on with Kel. Also we had a run in with a street preacher. It was nice to be able to tell him we already know Jesus and have been saved. It was a pretty stinkin funny convo after that. He got so happy I thought he might burst.
And just for the record, that is Lauren in the picture and not Kel. Thought it might need clarification since I was talking about Kel and I and then I put a pic of Lauren and I.

We got back just as the Prime Minister Questions started which we had to watch for INTS. If you think politics are dull and boring, watch the PMQ every wed at noon. Im sure its on youtube. It is the most unorganized, rowdy mob, cuts being dished out like candy, furthest thing from cspan ever!!!! i loved it! you had congressmen chanting and going crazy. I would love to see Obama get up and do the same impromptu type thing as Gordon Brown has to. Very enlightening.

After that, I went and read for OxTA, then went to OxTA. We visited the botanical gardens which are more like a garden for the science department of the university and we went to University college and went to the church of St. Mary's the Virgin which has the highest tower in Oxford. We got to climb it. Tons of fun. Once again, PPP and I were the last ones there so we went and roamed the town. Got my watch fixed during that excursion for 2lbs.

Then I came back and convinced Malia to go running with me even though it was drizzly and cold (we are in England) so we ran up to summertown and back. Nothing too much but it felt so good!! and Malia almost got hit by a car. Not funny at the moment but very funny afterward. If I didnt mention it yesterday, we went running then too to the park, around it and back. So we are on a roll, two days in a row. We are taking running stuff to York and Whitby too. We shall see how that goes.

After running, I showered and cooked another delicious egg sandwich for dinner (had to finish my eggs and bread). Oh, for a snack during the day, I had the white chocolate cookies I bought from Sainsbury and milk. Good stuff. After dinner, I tried to upload some pics to facebook and only got a few done. Headed to G&Ds for a snack with a group. Got the cookie monster. It was two worlds of cookie monsters and man. It was epic!!!!

After that delectable treat, I came back and started working on stuff and trying to get packed. I had to run over to talk to Kel about skyping Jacob later and I found out that people are already planning trips for the breaks we have. We are talking like booking flights. I need to get on that and get hooked up with a group. No too worried about it but its something that needs to get done if I dont want to fork over a bag of dough to go. yeah that rhymes.

I just finished skyping with my pod. Its always a love hate thing. I love seeing them and talking but then I always miss them even more. They are some pretty cool cats. I also got a message from Joel from Kanakuk. It was more or less asking me to work 3rd term. I need to decide about that by friday aka TOMORROW!!! God better answer fast.

Well I have done zero hw once again but I have had a day to remember...once again. I wont be posting anything atleast until Saturday night...probably more like Sunday. And please, if you read this...Mom too... leave me comments. I like responses even though i am writing this more for myself than anything. Anywhoozers, seeing as how I still have to pack for the trip tom and I have to get up at 0600...Im out like Apollo Creed.

Remember, Love distinctively for Him.
laters chums

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