Tuesday 9 February 2010

Sing Song is EVIL

Day 26

Yesterday I did not get a chance to type my blog due to the crazy amount of hw I had, but I did voice record it.  So how about those Saints?! CRAZY!! Anywhoozers...now for today.

Woke up @ 1200 and read a little for MGMT. Went to OTH with Corbo and got the BBC (Brie Bacon and Chicken) on a bap. it was heaven in sandwich form!!! Went to MGMT. It was another awesome class. We did a case study which I could go on a tangent about but I will refrain. It was very interesting about the idea of building a Latino Cultural Center at a university. Class today was a lot of discussion. I didnt talk much at first because of my back hurting and me not really wanting to talk but towards the end I couldnt resist.

After class, I worked on my INTS reflection over the Prime Minister Questions and the football game we went to.  Took forever to get that done because I was uploading pics and messing around on the pc. Went to Sing Song practice at 1900. I might have caused some problems because I was bored out of my mind! The biggest thing I did was light bradyns paper on fire without him knowing....it got big real fast! HILARIOUS...at least I thought it was. Not to knock everyone else but I got the motions and the words for the song super easy and we just kept going them over and over. I dont know how I will make it through real sing song next year! Our act is pretty much a full blown real act only we are putting it together in three days. Pretty impressive.

After practice around 2300, I started planning Cailee, Kel and mine's trip to Switzerland. It is going to be amazing!!! I just cant decide which hostel to stay at and whether or not to fork over a little extra dough and spend another day in Geneva. or to just not stay in Interlaken for three nights and spend one in Geneva...decisions decisions. I worked on the trip until about 0315 and now Im headed to bed. Pretty uneventful day. Didnt even leave the house except for OTH and to go to the other house. I ate my pizza for dinner so now I have no food in the house. Sainsbury's is calling my name tom!!!!

Oh. I found out today that PPP's(actually I dont know if I can call them that anymore), Ben and I are doing 9@9 this sunday and I am doing the lesson. Im super excited. Im already almost done with it. It was about Mary and Martha preparing the meal for Jesus so it was pretty easy to do.

Well thats it. The internet has been super homo here lately. Hopefully that gets straightened out.

Im out like roadkill.
Laters Chums

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