Friday 19 February 2010

Free Sandwich Day

Day 36

Woke up @ 1000. lets just say it was rough getting up and leave it at that. Well it was hard getting up until I realized it was FREE SANDWICH DAY!!!!  I quickly ate a bowl of cereal, got ready and ran down to MRKT. It was another great class. We are still talking about Consumer Behavior and it is super interesting.  AFter class, Grant, Wyatt, Natalie, Becca and I went to OTH and Grant and I had our free snadwich day. I chose to celebrate it with Tom's Le Club....Bacon, tomato chilli, cajun chicken, mozzerella, salsa....GLORIOUS!!!!! It was everything they said it would be....a messy, addictive monster. I also tacked on some fresh banana bread...well worth it!!!Grant got the Sicilian. He thoroughly enjoyed it.  AFter OTH, we came back and picked up allison, Cailee, Sydney and Kel. We went to go feed the ducks. Got some more good pics.  I attempted to feed a duck mouth to mouth. I chickened out. I will prevail though.  We then headed to the open flea market deal that is on thursdays. it was closing so we headed to the Swan Castle Pub. they ahd a, chips and tea...2.99. I didnt get any food. I sat there talking while they ate but I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to a stanger poking me telling me my mates left. both my legs were asleep and my left are was killing me. I had drooled all over. I quickly grabbed my bag and left only to find them waiting for me at the door. They had asked the guy to go wake me up. It was pretty funny. well it was until a good ways home I realized my nalgene was not in my backpack. No one went back with me to look for it (pooper scoopers) but I went and looked and no one had seen it. I dont think the workers were very concerned about finding "a green water bottle".  Oh well. My first casualty of the trip...I think.  I swung by Sainsbury's and picked up some frozen pizza and milk. I should mention that during this whole entire outing it has been raining and of all days I decide to try out my umbrella and just wear my fleece. Bad decision bc my umbrella might be a little small for me so my pants were soaked and my fleece was not much drier. It wasnt horrible but definitely a lesson learned to just wear my rain jacket.

When I got back, I started working on my hw. I skyped with mom and during that I was "invited" to dinner at the Lytle's with some other peeps. I was pretty excited. It was delicious spaghetti with salad and bread...classic! AFter dinner, I decided to go with Natalie to St. Aldates college group. Best decision in awhile!!! There were probably about 100 peeps there. We causght the very end of dinner and found Kel, Sydney, Brittany, Cailee and Allison.  The worship was awesome even though I didnt know any songs but one. That is sometimes the best though cause then I really focus on the words.  It was cool cause we jsut pickedup the table and chairs and sat on the ground. The lesson was about the speck and plank in Matthew. The youth pastor's (?) wife gave the lesson. She reminded me so much of Cailee. But what was crazy was the worhsip leader...looked like Jgroves' Irish twin!!! if Corbo and Jgroves morphed to become a super would be Chris. I will get a pciture to prove it. It made me almost question Jgroves of his apparent duplicity (word of the day).  But the lesson sparked a great convo with Cailee, Allison and me. We covered so much. I really need to start recording these convos I have been having lately. God is really putting me in these positions of convo.  It is great. Engaging is the word that I keep hearing and seeing in the situations I am in. Engaging. Be engaging for God. Doesn't really make sense upfront and it can be taken a few different ways...all the better.  One of the points that stuck with me from the lesson is Love without judgment is unreliable(unrealistic) and false. It is so intense and so challenging to the ways of thinking many Christians hold.  In today's church, God is losing his "bite" and just getting more and more fluffy. God loves and He is love but with love comes judgment...hard judgment. There is almost not even a balance between love and judgment, but a coexistence...a reliance on eachother for true existence. Love without judgment is unreliable(unrealistic) and false. At church I heard a deep new song by an English artist Tim Hughes called "May the words of my mouth". Intense with meaning! Oh and I missed the first day of the 40 Days reading but I am going to do yesterday's today and just catch up tom hopefully. Im excited!! (you're excited?)

After church, natalie and Brittany stayed to go with a lot of the peeps to a pub which they do every week but we left to do hw.  I came back, started hw adn have been working towards getting to bed since then.  I have nothing standing in my way now seeing as how I finished bible and my mission statement and core values for MGMT on monday so....

Go GB Women's curling!!! Another dominate performance against Russia today. and now....

Im out like a bullet from a gun...eyes locked tight before my head hits the pillow.
Laters Chums

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