Wednesday 10 February 2010

Overcoming the Bummer Day

Day 27

Woke up @ 1300 seeing as how I didnt get in bed until 0400 last night.  Today was a rough day. For some reason I just wasnt feeling the sweet breeze blowing my way. Things just looked dim. As the day progressed though, it got better I think because of prayers for me from back home after I skyped with them.

I got ready for the day and headed to OTH where I got my first cold sandwich. It was red pesto chicken salad on a baguette. Delicious as always. Just four more sandwiches until I get my card full!! That translates into free food for Jacob. I then went to do my normal study session with Rah va nee, Luz and Kris for Marketing.  I was not in the mood to study and nothing clicked.  Luckily in class there was no quiz.  Class was great as usual! learned about Walmarts marketing through a marketing strategy company who does nothing but collect data. At the end of class, we found out we have a test thurs and ontop of that we got slammed with more flippin hw. It will be interesting hw seeing how we have to interview people again only it has to be about our product we are doing our marketing journal over.  we have to do a survey, record the results and read ch. 5 all while studying for a test. We do have until tuesday to do the hw stuff though.

After class, I did Bible/work on 9@9 lesson/listen to music/facebook for a good 2.5 hours. Bible was cool bc we had to describe our perfect worship and critique churches ways of worship. Very thought inspiring.  While doing this i soaked my jeans to try and get the stains out.  Since we didnt end up having sing song, I went and did laundry finally since they were all taken for a stinkin long time.  I then left and went to Ali's with Kel and Cailee. Well we didnt leave right away because Kel and Cailee hid in their closets for 15 mins waiting to scare me when I came in looking for them.  Little did they know that i was downstairs watching a movie, perfectly content, waiting for them.  Eventually I went up but they were getting out as i came up so epic fail for them.  At Ali's, I got a jacket potato with (stay with me now) cheese, butter, chicken curry, lettuce, tomato, burger sauce, some hot sauce and fries....for 3lbs!!!! I think he remembered me cause he kept saying how he was adding stuff just for me.  he didnt charge the extra pound for the butter and cheese so maybe he was being sincere.  Anywhoozers, It weighed more than what it cost. I literally had to switch hands on the walk back bc it was so heavy.  I then went to the laundry room to move my stuff to the dryers only to find out one of my washers didnt start. I proceeded to move the clean clothes to the dryer and put in money only in the wrong slot so it just added time to the girls dryer below mine. I put ore money in the right slot and chilled for 35 mins until the washer was done. I took out my dry clothes and put in the wet ones. My stains in my jeans didnt come out AT ALL!!! They might have even gotten more dirty. I took my wet, stained jeans and my nice dry clothes back to the house and watched A Knight's Tale until the dryer was done. I then hung out for a while waiting for Kel and cailee to become available to do our Switzerland trip stuff.  We finally went over the plans and figured out what hostel we are staying at.  We ended up booking our hostel, the Lazy Falken, and im super happy with it. So now, hell or high water...more like hell or freezing mounds of snow...we are going to switzerland some how.  Tom we are going to the train station to work out tickets to the airport for the flights we want and then we are booking our flights.  Sounds a little backwards but when your plane leaves at 0700 you need to make sure trains will get you there in time first.

So that was my day. It was one of the less happy-go-lucky days I have had here for some reason.  It is probably the lack of sleep which I am not helping right now.  As the day went on though, it got better until I could barely stop laughing with Kel and Cailee while planning our trip...again probably due to sheer exhaustion.  Not having Sing song definitely helped out the day too.  How could a Christian school put on something so evil?!?! Only two more years of sing song...just two more years.

Oh, I went down and hung with the Lytle's for a bit today because I had a question about the stain remover I was using.  It is always a pleasant trip to the Lytle dungeon. And while I was down there, Hannah and I called Luke and Alice(the people we met at church on sunday) to get them our number. We are friends on facebook now too.  i also had two run-ins with Rona today while doing laundry. Three completely random meetings in the laundry room all three times I have gone there...intriguing.  I figured I would never see her again but now since I didnt call her after the first meeting I felt...awkward. We are now friends on facebook so that will help out.  I think hanging with her and her friends would actually be pretty interesting.  Shes pretty crazy. She plays collegiate rugby for pete's sake! Well thats all folks.

Im out like Al Pacino's cash.
Laters Chums

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