Thursday 18 February 2010

Time Flies When Your In A Foreign Country

Day 35

Woke up @ 1215. Realized it was day 35!!!! what the heck?! There is no way we have been here this long! Grant, Wyatt and I looked at the travel calendar...there is not much time left open for trips! We are coming down to the wire here...already. Its ridonkulous! oh well. Its been fun and we do still have a lot of time left but so much has gone by already...must be positive.

Today I had a nice big bowl of cereal with bananas. Nothing special except my milk was frozen. I dont know which way to turn the temp dial. Do higher numbers mean colder or warmer?! After breakfast, I worked on bible til OTA which didnt start until 1415 today because our tour at the Boldiean Library was not until later. The library was fantastic! Very prestigious place. They get a copy of every book and magazine printed in the UK thanks to the forsight of Thomas Boldiean. Genius. They have so many books that they store them in salt mines and in miles of tunnels underneath oxford. I really wish we could have seen the tunnels and the trains they ride through them to retrieve books.  lucky oxford students. ha

After the tour I went to Sainburys with Cailee, Kel and hannah.  We were supposed to feed the ducks but we never got there bc I went to the self checkout lane and it was the worst experience EVER!!! not only did two of them break, leaving only 1 working, a guy decided to buy half the store and do the "fastlane" self checkout. And of course he had never worked one before and had to search intensely for every bar code and then couldnt get it to read it.  It was horrible. I spent over 25 minutes in line and I could have gotten out but i was at the point where I had invested so much time already that it was not worth it to go to another line bc I just knew things would pick up eventually...WRONG! geez it was bad. But i jsut chilled and watched people...very interesting.

Well after the store, we came back. I ate at Ali's. Got the jacket potato and i realized Im not a huge fan of them. next time im getting the chicken wrap! Jacque, Ruh va nee and Lauren decided to come with us to switzerland so it shoudl be fun. they actually got on the same flight and bus as us to the airport and might even be staying at the same hostel so that will be awesome! its me and five girls...suh weet! haha We did book our bus tickets tonight and they came out to only 11lbs round trip which is awesome! our bus leaves at 1am. should be a fun long long long long long long long day. Besides booking the bus, I have just hung out with a few peeps trying ot figure out the next breaks trip. Still not sure what I want to do but Im not too worried.  I have been working on my mrkting research interview write up about price and ryanair for way too long but I have to say I have a sweet set up. the big screen tv right infront, speakers on either side of my and my notes and books spread all around me in a large wel lit room. Oh and food to munch on...Thanks Nane. I did actually finish my write up and I am very happy with it. now to see the grade I get.

Well, that has been my day. One thing to add is that I have realized that i really really enjoy curling! It is such a peaceful thing turned into such fierce, non agggressive competition. very intriguing.  What other olympic sport can the girls wear makeup and keep their hairdo's going strong? Brilliant.

Im out like I just got clobbered with a curling thing-a-ma-jib being hurled at bone breaking speeds.
Laters Chums

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