Monday 22 February 2010

Omelettes and Church

Day 38

Since I just recorded my day yesterday and didnt get it written down, let me do a quick catch up. Ryker, Malia, Kris and I went to Windsor. We toured the castle and walked around. It was absolutely beautiful!!! I took lots of pics but with so much hw, trying to plan trips, exploring oxford and what not, uploading pics on facebook and what not is pretty low on my list. So anywhoozers, that was my day yesterday. Onward to today....

Woke up at 1320. It was so nice to sleep in. As you can probably see, I did not go to church this morning but you will also see that I make up for it later. I cook a delicious 3 eggs omelet with cheese and bacon and had toast and jam and apple juice with it. The apple juice was partially frozen so it was more like the AJ slush from sonic so it was great! I then proceeded to try and read for MGMT after a shower and what not.  I got pretty far but my mind kept drifting so it took awhile. I then got ready to go to St. Aldates with Brittany. We left at 1715 for church to stop by the phone place for her but it was closed so we got to church pretty early. It started at six. It was awesome!!! I love st aldates so much. I wish it was back home. The worship was spot on and the sermon fit right into what alot of the convos Ive been having are about. I took notes on it so I wont go into too much detail besides that i loved it!! We decided to stay as long as we could for the 2015 service which is the one al the students come to. they take out all the chairs like on thurs night but they add colored lights all around the room and the music is much louder and lots more peeps. I really hope we get to skip 9@9 one of these nights and get to experience the whole service. 9@9 was a little lacking for me personally tonight. I didnt know alot of the songs, they didnt have words for most of them and i couldnt make out the words they were singing. I did like the time to just reflect seeing as it was just scripture reading and songs and communion. We had quite a few visitors tonight...6 I think. All in all, tonight brittany and I got 4 straight hours of church and I loved it!!

After 9@9, I talked for awhile with peeps until PPPx2 decided I need to go to bed. I succumbed to their demands and headed off towards bed. I made a pit stop for Luz's brownies in Adri's and Chelsea's room. i found out I can go wiht the Lytle's to Italy which is cool. I personally would like to find someone else to go with me so I wouldnt have to stay by myself seeing as how they already booked the places. We shall see. Im going to pray about it. I have several options of options to decide and it needs to be done quickly so i can get good prices. Im really not worried about it cause whatever I do will be fun. Stress from trip planning is not something i am going to allow. On the other side of things, I am so stinkin excited for Switzerland!!! Its going to unbelievable....hopefully.

As you can tell I am still not in bed but the deal i made was to be in bed by 0045 so I have some time. I talked with PPPx2 for awhile about random stuff and now im blogging. Actually talking to Nicholas right now about life and personality types. Really interesting. Nicholas is saying I discuss/vent about lots of things and I appear negative yet I am always happy. This convo is great! ha

Well it is now 0046. Oops. time for bed. Its been a fantastic day.

Im out like I made a promised to be in bed by a certain time and am late.
Laters Chums

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