Tuesday 2 February 2010

The Three S's of Life: School, Swans and Spencer

Day 19

Let me shoot off a side note real fast. Yesterday was officially the first day I did not post a blog while having access to a computer. I still do not claim that I have missed a day of recording the events that took place because I did take time to record the events on my voice recorder thing-a-ma-bob. I just did not have the time, energy or patience to sit down and type it out. Yesterday was a terrific day in every sense of the word. This was mostly being because of my new friend Yitong Li. I met him playing bball and we talked...a lot. We covered everything from how he is a pool (billiards) shark to how people in China are under too much pressure to have time to "worry" about religion. Very interesting and enlightening! Much more to share about yesterday after I get Scotland and London written down....someday. But let it be known it is recorded somewhere in the binary world of my pc. Now...time to talk about today.

Woke up several times starting around 0700 until my alarm went off at 1130. I needed the sleep so I wasnt too disappointed about me sleeping until my "safety" alarm. I got ready and headed to OTH with Kris. I ordered the Chicken and Brie on a baguette but I got chicken with Bacon. No biggie...it was still delicious. That just makes the choice of what to get tom that much easier!
After that we headed to MGMT. Today was super powerful and moving. I know those words usually describe something along the lines of a church service but...wow. I learned so much today in class. What a crazy concept? I actually learned something in a class! Told you it was powerful and moving. haha Dr. Lytle (i still dont know about just calling him Rick) told us about his family and his dad dying. We learned about importance to have a perspective to be able lead...a teachable point of view. We presented our findings from our video interviews and then did a journey map or journey line thing. Basically you draw a line graph for your life, going up or down hinging on pivotal points in your life. I was Rah va nees partner. Her life was eeriely similar to mine. We didnt finish in class and met afterwards to finish talking about it and still didnt finish. It was a great convo and I learned so much about rah va nee. It really was a great assignment. It was super hard and my line doesnt really match my life at all but it made me think about my life and i eventually got many of the important factors in my life down on paper in some way or another. I think we are eventually sharing ours with the class and I am really looking forward to that. MGMT is really more like a bible class on developing yourself to become a disciple of Christ. It is one of the best classes I have ever taken and it is only the second time we have met. This all comes at a price though. He assigned us over 120 pages plus a sorta writing assignment to do in a week. Yes you may think I am complaining and I am. That is a lot to do in a week just by itself but with a trip to York and Whitby and other hw ontop of it...WOW! Its going to be tough but I would say it is worth it so I....guess Ill do it?

After class, I tried to finish my talk with Rah va nee like I said and didnt get finished. After that Natalie, Kelkel, Cailee and I went to the park to feed the ducks/geese/swans...duhn duhn duhn!!!! They were so afraid of the swans. I was talking all big, telling them that they are just big ducks until I saw them and they started after me. THEY WERE HUGE!! I will definitely say I was afraid at the first initial shock but by the end I was sitting on the ground having them all around me, eating out of my hand (this does not mean the swans turned gentle and nice by any means).  There were Asians taking pics of us feeding them and a English family that were SO scared of the swans. It was hilarious. Natalie, I found out, has an absolute animosity for the swans. I mean pure hatred for the poor little teethless creatures. Such extremity for a overgrown duck is a little creepy but I can kind of see where she is coming from...maybe. I eventually persuaded Kel to feed them by hand and after one successful attempt she looked and her hand was bleeding. No matter what they say, we can not prove that it was because of the swan. After further examination of the wound, in my professional opinion, I completely rule out the possibility of the swan being the cause. (tangent begin) In my other professional opinion, I believe that the swans are horribly misunderstood. While the swans come up to you, trying to be social, and if that is not their intent, then atleast they are not like the ducks who just sit back welfare, waiting for their food to be given to them without work. And heaven forbid that the swans do what the geese do....sitting back like the ducks but hissing at you whenever you try to deliver the life-giving bread. In my opinion, swans are the most heart-felt, genuine creatures of the pond. Why else does disney use them to portray love? and why else are two swans able to create a heart using nothing more than their necks? I dont see ducks, geese or even us humans doing that!!! I hear a chant rising up and it will not fade away...EQUALITY AT THE POND! JUSTICE FOR THE SWAN! (tangent end)

After the pond we headed back and dinner was started. I was invited to eat with 9 1st floor but it took awhile to cook. In the meantime I was offered some tuna pasta stuff by Malia which was delicious and I also ventured up to 9 2nd floor where they were finishing up dinner. There I was offered some chicken breaded with corn flakes and sweet mashed potatoes...all very good. When dinner was ready on 9 1st...boy was the wait worth it!!! Chicken alfredo with breaded chicken, salad, garlic bread and apple cobbler. LIFE IS SOOOO GOOD!!! During dinner I did happen to make a little mess. While trying to cut off the small burnt piece on the bread, the knife slipped splashing the ranch on my plate in Jacque's hair, my face and hair and all over Bradyn. Very funny. I cleaned Bradyn up...kind of. After dinner I cleaned the dishes and took out their trash so i felt like I atleast did something for my meal. Did I mention it was SOOOO GOOD!!!

After dinner I came to work on my INTS reflection about the term Englishness which I procrastinated on until the very end. It was due by midnight and with several distractions while working, I finished it with ten minutes to spare. I really need to figure out a way ot finish my hw before my roommate does. He is not the best to be in the room with when he is watching "Harry Potter: The Musical". He laughs A LOT and VERY VERY LOUDLY. I am not saying that it is bad because laughing is very healthy for you....I just need to finish mine before he does from now on. I do suppose I could go to the pc lab but....even with him laughing, I am less distracted in my room than down there.

After I finished my hw, I went down and talked to Malia for awhile. Good convo ranging from repelling to working at Power Shack and DQ. She went running today and from the sound of her run...I think I found my running partner. We are going running tom after MRKT. We shall see how it goes.
Well this turned out to be super duper long and now it is super duper late. Class in the morning should be fun....but it wont be. At least we get a tea break.

Oh. Today, Lytle talked a lot about what I wrote in a blog awhile back about living out what you believe and the whole character and habit thing. It was really cool to here it coming from him, incorporated into the lesson. Spencer messaged me today on facebook. He talked about how I talked about what he wrote. It was good. I have to get the house thing figure out soon too. Prayers for everything working out with living arrangements next year.

Well stay strong and be distinctive for God. Im out like a bumble bee.
Laters Chums

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