Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Day the Package Arrived

Day 33

Its been almost a week since my last entry. I have been so busy with school and what not but I have been recording on my VR. I did break my streak though of recording every day on Saturday. I was so tired. I tried to record about it on Sunday but I forgot what I did. There in lies the reason to record every day what happens. My memory stinks. But anywhoozers, its been a good time. Valentine's Day yesterday was awesome. Serenading Ruh va nee went flawlessly and ironically here presently were all kojo kai colors and the face towel I got here was cinderella which is what they are doing for sing song...it was all a very nice coincidence. haha But now for today....

Woke up @ 12:05. It felt like I closed my eyes and then just opened them right back up. Well that is actually exactly what I did but you get the point... I was super tired! My package from home finally arrived. It was well worth the wait. It was loaded with enough snacks and toiletries to open up my own convenience store! After corting out the goods, I made another delicious breakfast sandwich with fried egg, cheese, bacon on a bagel. Had grapes and some apple, raspberry and grape juice. Always a good way to start off the day. I then read my letters that came in the package from the fam. Made me miss them but they were nice to read. I then read for MGMT and printed off Mom's survey about me she filled out.  Class was intense today. I realized that I dont have a big idea for life besides wanting to help people. I dont really even know what a big idea is. Im going to talk to Rick about it soon and just digress a bit.  Im glad I record the classes though cause the one today will be one i can go back and listen to a few years from now and refresh myself of stuff. We talked about Ronald Reagan and his leadership abilities and we talked about the allegory of the cave. We read a pretty funny version of it. It was all about seeing other people's perspectives and what to do with the info once you know where they are coming from.

After class, i started my hw. Ive been doing it ever since. That is not completely true, but close to it. We were supposed to go feed the ducks but hw got in the way. Humanities class has a huge test Wed that everyone is studying for. Thank the Lord I didnt take that class!!! combined with my other classes...I would lose it!! I worked on bible and that took me awhile for some reason even though it was easy. I really dont know where the time went today...it was just one of those days. I worked on INTS until midnight when it was due. I really enjoyed the article and I like my response to it.  I had tomato and mozzerella tortellini for dinner. It was not half bad. I still prefer going out to Ali's. haha I didnt have lunch today seeing as that I woke up at noon.

I found the perfect study spot in the classroom. I just hooked up the speakers in the room and finally had LOUD music while I was doing hw. It was so nice. After I finished my hw, Kris came in and we danced a little to Nat King Cole. She says im good at dancing....yeah.  We tried to do the Jitter bug/pretzel thing...It was interesting to say the least.  haha

Well I was trying to get in bed fairly early tonight, meaning before one. Count that as a loss.  I really need someone to vivify(word of the day) me.  I am out of gas but I was about to wrap up my stuff when Durko walked in and we talked for well over an hour about everything from sing song to MGMT class to how we are getting to know people on the trip to leading people of different religions and such to Christ. Found out that we both like to play Devil's advocate in class because sometimes MGMT just gets too one way thinking.  There are people other than happy sheep ready to be led and follow a decisive well-mannered person. ill just say the convo was crazy! I wish I had had my voice recorder on me to record it. ha I really enjoyed the talk. He did the exact opposite of vivifying me...the talk made me think too much and now im more tired. Overall, it was a good day...wait it was a great day because God made it and...its the day my package came! glad its bed time though.

I have to read a little MRKT before I close my eyes but
Im out like a clumsy dumb thug who has a gun but doesnt use it and decides to fight Walker Texas Ranger(aka CHUCK NORRIS).
Laters Chums

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